Aiming for “high quality for low price”, our company designs and manufactures molds for a large range of domains, mainly precision resin molds for medical industry and automotive industry, from the development and prototype stage until mass production. Since we also detain a mass-production line able to comply to insertion forming, we can adapt to your needs, complying integrally to your requests, from mold designing until mass production.
Due to the synergetic action of our department of mass-production together with our product-supplying department, we thoroughly investigate our pressed used in production, so that we are able to provide our customers with efficient, maintainable and trouble-less molds that can surely attract their interest.
Providing molds of any characteristic, including injection molds, is also possible. Moreover, by linking to other internal departments of our company, we can provide complete proposals, from including press processes for insertion products, up to production lines integrating product extractors, press machines, inspection devices or packaging equipments.
Born from our unique know-how and practical results, our resin molds and resin products have achieved multiple results in fields requiring high quality, as medical or automotive industry, and are highly appreciated by our customers.