Based on the Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Z26000 – Guideline regarding corporate liability, our company does efforts to achieve durability and progress by CSR management considering business activity on the main challenges of our company and general risks expected.
Management Basic Principles
Contribute to the sustainability of society and of the Earth based on five principles aiming to the social and environmental symbiosis.
- Trust is the essence of management.
We aim to observe the law and to earn society’s trust.
- People are the basis of management.
We take care of the working people and create a comfortable and safe workplace.
- Honesty is the pillar of management.
We respect our transaction partners and provide them with good-quality, safe and secure products and services.
- Regional society is the tradition-breeding cauldron.
We aim to give our contribution as a good member of the regional society.
- Nature is our wealth.
We make efforts to preserve Earth’s environment and to transmit it to the next generation.
July 2nd, 2012
Yasutaka Yamaoka, CEO
Action Rules
- We will abide laws and rules and take responsible actions, in order to build an honest company aware of its social responsibility.
- We will not do any acts as leaking confidential information, forging or concealing data or texts, defaming or denigrating individuals.
- We will not do any acts as diverting company assets or incorrect accountancy processing or inconsistent reports, nor divulging unofficial information.
- We will not do any act that might be object to doubt, even not connected to any incorrect deed.
- We will not make any discrimination based on differences concerning human rights, nationality, sex or age.
- If anyone feels that one of the above acts took place, he/she will immediately report it to administration.
July 2nd, 2012
Yasutaka Yamaoka, CEO